Engaging Church Leaders

District engagement tools to connect, communicate, train and track pastors.

How Denominations Use Engage Spaces

Engage Spaces empowers pastors, presbyters and missionaries within denominations and districts.

Luke is a pastor in your district


  • Luke is instantly connected into the right groups.
  • Luke is auto-enrolled into his orientation course.
  • Luke can discover new opportunities available within your district.

Luke gets involved in the district.


  • Luke is automated into all the right communication channels for his role and level of leadership.
  • Luke begins participating in district wide and region-specific communication channels.
  • Luke automatically receives announcements and important notices.
  • Luke can create and get assigned tasks to complete.

Luke needs to maintain his accredidation.


  • Luke is automatically enrolled into the accreditation courses for this year.
  • Luke is optionally required to pass his accreditation courses to access other district resources.
  • Luke easily submits all his important documentation and information directly through Engage Spaces.

Luke becomes a presbyter.  


  • Luke gains permissions to run his region of the district.
  • Luke tracks the health and growth of each pastor and associated church using his weekly automated reports.
  • Luke takes private notes about the pastors and churches he oversees.

Discover how Engage Spaces helps Districts and Denominations.

Discover how Engage Spaces can empower your Movement.

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Designed for Denominations

Explore specific features tailored to denominations and districts.

Perform Regular Accreditations

Require pastors and deacons to complete your custom training material.

Share Important Announcements

Send priority announcements and messages out to everyone or to select bodies of your district(s).

Track Church Health and Operations

Gather detailed reports from church leaders about the health and performance of their church and congregation.

Host Major Events and Conferences

Make it easy for pastors and church leaders to pay, register, and participate in District events.

Manage All Pastors and Contacts

Create a centralized database of all pastors, churches and their engagement records.

Perform Accreditations

Require pastors and deacons to complete your custom training material.

Share Important Announcements

Send priority messages and announcements out to all or select bodies of your district(s).

Track Church Health and Operations

Gather detailed reports from church leaders about the health and performance of their church and congregation.

Host Major Events and Conferences

Make it easy for pastors and church leaders to pay, register and participate in district events.

Manage All Pastors in One Place

Oversee a comprehensive engagement record of all pastors within your district.

See if Engage Spaces is right for your disctrict.

Book a demo

Case Study

Check out real case studies showcasing how Engage Spaces has impacted other social movements!

Trusted by Denominations across North America